Monday, June 21, 2010

Clang to analyze IPhone Project

After learned how to use xcodebuild from previous post then using scan-build is easy

Just append scan-build in front of "xcodebuild command " eg

for me the command is:

~/Desktop/Application/checker-234/scan-build xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator4.0

And you can view the output as it instruct:

Now, I have 21 bugs need to be fixed.
Publish Post


To build using xcodebuild, you need to run xcodebuild from the directory containing your project (i.e. the directory containing the projectname.xcodeproj)

then type:
xcodebuild -configiuration Debug/Release -sdk iphonesdk
the example used
xcodebuild -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator4.0

Nagvigate Man Page

After type "man find" on bash:
you can type:
h -help
up - go up one line
down - go down one line
f -forward one window
b -backward one window
/pattern -search for pattern
n -next match for the  searched pattern
N -previous match for the searched pattern

Conversation with Marc

Marc' suggestion is:
Do not sell at $10 for each report, sell for $150
It is hard to market, get myob to put it on your website.
Smartreports are based in Australia, if there is one company in NZ. He would have bought locally.
Installation was a hack, 3 to 4 hours to install. Have to close it very time.
Greentree is another one, but costs about 20k to install.
 MYOB can do 99% of job for myob. Report is not used by small businesses, has to be used by big business.
He purchased 8 IPads for the company.
The palm software from sales link costs 3k.
He has 40 sales order from two companies.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Add external Jar file

 Right click on the ProjectName then add external library.
Or right click on the Refereced Libraries->build Path-> Configure Build Path->Add external Library


Friday, June 18, 2010

advanced google search: How to search content inside and outside a webiste?

Search content inside website can be done using:
freepastry site:*.edu

Sometimes one wants exclude contents from a web domain, in the above example the top 6 out 8 search results are from:
To exclude the results from , one can use:

Here are the results of
freepastry site:*.edu

as shown in the picture, results from are excluded

Monday, June 14, 2010

Smallest possible match

Regular expression smallest match.
I need one regular expression to extract all the opening tag, closing tag and all the strings in between opening and closing tag. eg:

Is this all there anything can be here, \n

By default the regular expression [\w|\W] would give the whole string above. To get the three pairs of open and close tag. You do [\w|\W]+?


Friday, June 4, 2010

How to find processor types on Windows, Ubuntu/Linux, and Macbook

 Here I give examples of finding the OS and processor types of a PC,Mac and Ubuntu:

OS Processor type OS type
Windows 64 bit 32 bit
Mac OS X 64 bit: Intel Core 2 Duo 32 bit
Ubuntu 64 bit 32 bit

On windows
open cmd and type systeminfo
In the output:
System Type: X86-base PC  says the operating system is 32 bit.
Processors: X64 Family Model tells you the processor is 64 bit

On Mac:

Then compare your processor with the chart below:

On Ubuntu:
type lshw | -class processor outputs the cpu width 64 bits 
type uname -a output i686