Saturday, October 9, 2010

find ANT_HOME on ubuntu

Similar to JAVA_HOME, ant home can be found:

/usr/share/ant is my ANT_HOME
In case of using Ivy, ivy.jar can copied into /usr/bin/share/ant/lib

set JAVA_HOME for ant on ubuntu

To file java home(where jre/jdk) is installed on ubuntu:

 Then you add to
the following line

ant JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly:

now Ant finds the java home

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Find that process running at a port and kill it

In Windows (7), You can list all the processes and the port it is running at by:
netstat -ano

To kill a process, replace pid with process id from previous step

taskkill /pid 5844  /F

In Ubuntu, You can find the process running at a port using grep

netsat -ano --program |grep 8080

kill porcessNumber


11814 is process running at port 8080.